Why a digital message booklet?

One more app on your smartphone. Many fewer worries. This is how daycare 2024 works.

Put an end to the boom in paperwork

2024 communication with your child’s daycare centre is better than signing a paper notebook. It’s also better than printing, signing and scanning documents.

Imagine someone signing messages received with KidsFox directly on their smartphone. It’s quick and easy. That could be you – if your child’s daycare centre uses KidsFox.

After signing, you can make an appointment for the consultation day via the app and much more – more convenient than ever before! Whether you’re on the bus, at home on the couch or at work. Simple and uncomplicated thanks to KidsFox.

How KidsFox helps

Both parents know what happens at the daycare centre

There’s a lot going on in everyday life. Home office, household chores, leisure activities – it’s easier to forget a newsletter than to keep up to date with what’s happening at the daycare centre. But there’s a better way!

With KidsFox, several legal guardians (such as grandparents, other relatives, etc.) can be linked to the child’s account so that everyone knows about important things.

Be informed with certainty

Life always has a surprise in store. Not always one that you can be happy about. Accidents at gymnastics, an accident at lunch or a surprisingly strong storm. With KidsFox, an emergency text message can be sent to stored numbers in exceptional situations so that the recipient knows: My child needs me now.

Get to know portfolios and your child in a new way

Learning progress does not only take place on paper. That’s why we have developed our digital, interactive FoxPortfolio. It allows you to save spoken poems, modelling clay monsters, songs and dances.

This allows you to get to know your child in a new way, even outside the family environment. You can see better what your child is interested in and can provide more targeted support at home.

Convenient sick notes via app

The rude awakening first thing in the morning: The child is not feeling well. Parents want to help immediately, but there is still something else to do: let the daycare centre know.

In the past, you had to call the daycare centre and hope that someone would pick up or hand in the sick note in writing. But that is no longer up to date.

Instead of cancelling the child’s attendance in person, simply log into KidsFox and conveniently send the sick note via the app. Teachers are thus reliably informed about missing children and parents can fully focus on their child.

Bye bye, language barrier

With KidsFox, different family members can be linked to the child’s account. If some of them do not share the same first language with the educators, misunderstandings can arise. KidsFox has set itself the task of helping here and passed with flying colours. Because we can translate into more than 45 languages – more than any other childcare app. Neat, isn’t it?

Not all tasks fit into a folder! That’s why we have Foxi and the digital portfolio.

Discover Foxi

New: The FoxHub!
With helpful materials such as instructions, press releases and more.

Go to FoxHub

The class fund is still in use? You can do better. We present: FoxPay.

Discover FoxPay

Would you like KidsFox at your child’s daycare centre?

Then write to the daycare centre! This is how it works:

Find out the e-mail address of the day care centre.

Dear daycare centre,

My name is [your name] and I am a parent of [your child’s name] from [your child’s group]. I have just been looking into KidsFox, a communication app for daycare centres. It offers many practical functions that make communication between all those involved in the daycare centre much easier.

You no longer need an email like this for various questions and the like, but could communicate everything via an app. It can also be used to organise consultation days, upload portfolios to the online storage and much more.

Just take a look for yourself: foxeducation.com/en/kidsfox/daycare-kitas

I think this would make things much easier for teachers, children and their parents.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]

(Click to show)

Open your e-mail programme via this button.

Open e-mails

Replace the placeholders with your personal data.

Now just send it off and that’s it!

We are convinced that the daycare centre will be just as enthusiastic. And to you, we say thank you for your contribution to a more digital education!