Your reliable partner for Kindergarten communication

We’ve been partnering with both private and public Kindergarten boards of all sizes for many years, and can count entire municipalities and federal states among our satisfied customers.

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Comprehensive solutions and full support for all your needs

Thanks to our long-standing experience in the education sector, working with many diverse institutions and individual requirements, we are able to provide customised support in implementing KidsFox as the new communication and admin platform for your institutions.

On this page you will find an overview of the advantages and services you will find in a partnership with FoxEducation. To get to know our experts personally, fee free to book a free individual consultation.

Consistent standards for your Kindergarten and daycare centre communication

Every single kindergarten, daycare centre or nursery is unique and therefore needs solutions that fit their requirements. On the other hand, if you are taking care of several institutions you will want to ensure uniform digital platforms and communication channels – not only to keep an eye on all processes as the holding organisation, but also to save training and maintenance costs.

With KidsFox you will succeed in this balancing act: implement one single app for all communication channels and organisation needs, across all school levels, while adapting to the communication needs of each institution.

Familiar & trusted system for all stakeholders

Especially in combination with SchoolFox, KidsFox’s popular sister app for schools, our apps are the ideal companion across all educational levels. Parents can conveniently manage communication for all their children via a familiar platform and do not have to get used to a new app when changing from day-care to primary school communications. This also makes it easy for teachers and educators to switch between institutions within the same city or municipality for example.

Personal and experienced support for your organisation

FoxEducation makes sure to provide you with one single point of contact for all questions, concerns or wishes – available by phone or in writing. Our team is experienced in working with many different types of organisations, be it private, state or religious structures – you will benefit from these many years of experience.

Expertly driving digitalisation in your educational institutions

By introducing our apps to your institutions you are actively advancing digitalisation in your network and are optimising processes and admin tasks on a long-term basis. We assist you with the implementation as well as the onboarding and training of the teachers and educators that will use the app every day.

Would you like to find out more about how KidsFox can help educators and families in your institutions? Let’s talk about the needs and requirements of your organisation during a free product consultation.

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Expert advice with data security & regulation

Due to our many years of experience in the field of data security in the education sector, we are able to provide individual advice and support, thus ensuring that all your institutions can work in a protected and data protection-compliant manner and avoid platforms like WhatsApp, Zoom or Telegram.

Reduced admin work and attractive pricing models

We are also by your side when it comes to the administrative handling of our cooperation – among other things, we are happy to provide you with central or individual invoices for your institutions, depending on your preferences. Depending on the size of your institution and network, attractive discounts or adjustments to the payment structure are possible.

Possibility of extensive free trial phases

Despite all these advantages and features, we understand that the decision for a new tool should always be carefully deliberated. To help you with your decision-making we offer extensive free trial phases so you and your institutions can familiarise yourselves with the many KidsFox features.

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“Our communication with the FoxEducation team works flawlessly.
If we ever need support, the team always picks us up exactly where our IT team requires it. It is very reassuring to know that you always have a trusted person in the background who will either take care of the task themselves or pass it on to the relevant experts.”

Petra Haas-Longitsch, Department head municipality Grödig, Austria

“The parents have reacted very euphorically to the app. By using KidsFox, video recordings and pictures can be shared easily with them, and they also get a better insight into their children’s day-to-day life at the day care centre.

For our 16 facilities the sharing function is especially valuable, as it means that no information is lost. It also helps us to protect the environment by saving paper in the form of notices and letters.”

Dr. Matthias Völcker, Jul non-profit organisation Munich, Germany
Speak to our team!

Book a free product consultation to talk about the specific needs & requirements of your organisations.

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Have a look at the product!

Register for a free trial phase to take a look at the most important features in the app and test live how it could help your institutions.

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