Our FoxApps

With our apps SchoolFox and KidsFox we aim to reduce communication barriers such as language differences, lost paper messages paper and misunderstandings. This way, educators and families are all in the same boat when it comes to children’s education.

Communication solutions

Good communication is the basis for good cooperation. With SchoolFox and KidsFox, a better exchange between educational institutions and families is possible so that children receive the best possible care and thus strengthen their learning success and self-confidence.

The ideal digital companion for your school

SchoolFox is suitable for all school levels, from primary school to grammar school. Besides diverse communication channels for all needs (group discussions, individual chats, etc.) the app offers many additional  features to support teachers in their daily tasks.

Discover SchoolFox
Communication and organisation for daycare centres

KidsFox has been developed for daycare centres and nurseries in order to support educators in keeping families and parents informed of the daycare activities and get in touch more easily whenever needed.

Discover KidsFox

FoxPay – more future, cashless

Copying fees, school milk, costs for textbooks, excursions, and craft materials: Money also rules the school world. It’s challenging to keep track of it all. Whose amount is still missing, who paid in cash, and who paid by bank transfer? It’s a chaotic situation.

Thanks to FoxPay, order is brought to the chaos.

What exactly is FoxPay?
FoxPortfolio and Foxi – Yes, children can

Foxi puts the children’s point of view in the foreground. The companion app for KidsFox and SchoolFox lets children (and of course educators) make their own pictures, videos or voice recordings. These are then easily saved in the FoxPortfolio and can be shared with parents in a DSGVO-compliant manner.

What is the FoxPortfolio and Foxi?

Like 400,000 teachers, use high-quality teaching materials to save time.

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GoStudent finds the right tutoring, your child the right answers for the next exam.

Redeem free tutoring lesson

New: The FoxHub!
With helpful materials such as instructions, press releases and more.

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