Welcome to the FoxHub

Every beginning is… easy. Here you will find documents for a successful start with our FoxApps and surprises for you as part of our FoxCommunity. Furry promise!

SchoolFox welcome letter for parents

A head-start for your knowledge

For now, the most requested welcome letter is ready: the SchoolFox version for parents. We’re working with all the paws we got to deliver the rest of the welcome letters as soon possible. Stay tuned!

At FoxEducation you will always find a helping paw

We want our apps to be as user-friendly and smooth as possible – this is the only way to make your everyday life as an education hero noticeably easier. However, should something go wrong, you can find answers to your questions on our help page.

If you don’t find a solution there, our support foxies are personally available for you from Monday to Friday.

Recommend for remuneration.

Do you know teachers or educators who are still lost in paper chaos? For whom the notebook still gets lost between the lunch box and the pencil case? Then help other educational institutions to communicate better and save money at the same time.

Recommend us to others, become a money saver and share the joy of good communication!

For each recommended institution that starts using one of our FoxApps, you will receive an additional discount on your licence costs. And the new institution also benefits from a welcome bonus.

What else is going on at FoxBau

Vereinfachte Kommunikationskanäle sind nur ein Weg, mittels dem wir das Leben von Lehrkräften erleichtern wollen. Entdecken Sie die vielfältigen Angebote von FoxEducation und der GoStudent-Gruppe, um die Lehrmöglichkeiten und Lernerfahrungen in Ihrer Einrichtung zu verbessern.

Simplified communication channels are just one way we aim to make teachers’ lives easier. Discover the many ways FoxEducation and the GoStudent Group can enhance teaching opportunities and learning experiences in your institution.

All of a child’s creativity, stored in one place – with the digital FoxPortfolio

The digital FoxPortfolio is used in combination with SchoolFox or KidsFox. It allows the creative works of pupils and children to be collected in one place, sorted and shared with others as needed.

Thanks to the child-friendly companion app Foxi, children can also record the results of their creative development independently.

Create homework and learning paths in the blink of an eye

On the free learning platform of our partners from Seneca Learning, you can choose from thousands of learning materials and assign them to your students as homework.

Thanks to automatic assessment and easy progress tracking, you can stay on top of things and save valuable time.

FoxPortfolio for schools

FoxPortfolio for daycare centres

Free teaching and learning resources