FoxEducation joins the Sdui Gruppe

FoxEducation has joined the Sdui Group, one of the largest European provider of digital solutions in the education sector. Together we combine a tremendous amount of expertise and experience in the education sector, which we will put into new innovative products as well as a broader product variety.

On this page we’ve summarised what this change means for you at the moment as well as in the near future. As usual, our ears are open for any additional questions you may have!

With the acquisition of FoxEducation by the Sdui Group, we  can combine our strengths and expertise in the development and  provision of educational technologies. FoxEducation customers will have  access to the entire portfolio of the Sdui Group with its broad feature  set. For our customers and users, this means that we can provide new  helpful product developments that make their everyday lives easier even  faster.

All contracts of both Sdui GmbH and Fox Education Services  GmbH will continue unchanged. This also applies to  the contractually agreed prices.


The contact persons you are familiar with will be there for you as usual and will be happy to continue to support you with the proven service quality. Schools and preschools can reach the customer teams at both Sdui and FoxEducation via the familiar channels.

As soon as we are able to offer new, optimized services and products, your contact persons will get in touch with you.


We are constantly developing our products and solutions. In order to continuously improve satisfaction and quality for both Sdui and FoxEducation customers, we want to bring together the best of both “app worlds” and harmonize our feature sets for the benefits of users. With the acquisition of  FoxEducation by the Sdui Group, we will be able to combine our capacities and expertise in the future to provide you with innovative product enhancements and new functions that simplify your day-to-day school or daycare activities more quickly and effectively.

No. You will continue to  receive an invoice from your usual contractual partner in the same form.


All contracts will continue without changes. However, we reserve the right  to update the GCU if necessary.

Currently, the license models of Sdui and FoxEducation are still different. In the  future, we would like to gradually merge the license models for the  benefit of our customers. There will be no changes to existing  contracts.

If there should be any changes for you in the event of a contract extension, we will contact you in time.


Yes, the  FoxEducation company location in Vienna will continue to operate – as  will all existing Sdui Group locations.

SchoolFox, KidsFox and TeamFox will  continue until further notice. All extensions already promised on the  product roadmap will also be implemented.

In the medium term, the Sdui Group will probably only offer one optimized commuincation solution for schools and preschools. In addition, our common goal as a group is to create a holistic platform on which all the benefits and products of the Sdui Group are integrated for our customers and can be used seamlessly. In addition to communication and organisational solutions, this also includes features from the area of school administration and learning and grade management.

This development will still take some time.

You don’t have to do anything for the time being. If something changes in  the future, we will inform you in time.

For now, nothing will change. If there are any  changes, we will inform you in time.